What’s in it?

Answering the questions you didn’t know you needed to ask!

Why do you sound so great in the shower? Why can you sing along with the radio but sound awful on your own? Why have some people got nice voices and others not? What is the diaphragm and what does ‘singing from the diaphragm’ actually mean?

Fully illustrated, 178 pages

Chapter 1 - The myth of talent

Chapter 2 - What is and isn’t singing

Chapter 3 - Shaping the sound: discovering your own voice

Chapter 4 - Getting to know your vocal tract

Chapter 5 - Tension is your enemy

Chapter 6 - Posture for singing

Chapter 7 - Breathing for singing

Chapter 8 - Warming up

Chapter 9 - Learning from your favourite singers

Chapter 10 - Vocal health

Chapter 11 - How to learn and perform a song

Chapter 12 - Different styles, different rules

Chapter 13 - Easy mistakes to make

Chapter 14 - The next step